Online Cacao Ceremony Vision:

           Before the advent of commercial chocolate, cacao seeds were prepared as a ceremonial drink within the indigenous cultures of Mesoamerica. When used in ceremony cacao acts as a gentle, yet powerful, assistant to stimulate the pineal gland and open the heart. The effect helps to increase sensitivity to subtle energies and facilitate connection. Reclaiming chocolate medicine in this way, while sitting together with intention, holding sacred space, is a powerful way to transform our reality and to feel the love and support that is always present within us. It is of great importance in this day and age to take time out and to remember this place of sweetness and alignment. Going home to this place together in a group, amplifies the experience and can have a deep and lasting effect on our consciousness. This experience, of allowing ourselves to fill up, as we sit in the virtual company of our reflected truth, is called Satsanga. Medicine of the Heart employs the ancient remedies of Cacao and Kirtan as our faithful assistants on a journey of powerful vibration to recognect and remember who we truly are.

      Believe it or not, online ceremony is a thing that many of us from all over the world have been participating in for a while now. The energy can be felt regardless of location, and zoom enables group co-creation. Its quite magical!


Please join us 10 minutes prior to start time.

There will be a brief pause during the ceremony to heat or stir up your cacao before we all drink simultaneously.

-It is recommended that you eat very lightly (or not at all) prior to the ceremony to allow for full absorption of cacao. 

You may sign off early, but once the ceremonial drinking starts, the zoom container will be held and new sign-ins not permitted.

Some good things to have ready ahead of time besides the cacao:

-sacred items for your altar (optional)
~a journal (optional)
~instrument, voice, for medicine song to share (if time allows)
~ your own Self's medicine and focused presence! (required)


Do not drink much cacao if you have a major heart condition, if you are taking antidepressants (esp. Mao inhibitors), or if you are pregnant. Do not mix with alcohol or other stimulants. Cacao is toxic to Dogs, Cats, horses and other animals. Keep away from your pets!

(Cacao consumption is not required for participation!)

For ceremony questions email JoJo  at:

Dr Cacao’s Ceremonial Grade Cacao Formulas are available for purchase

JoJo is available for remote individual healing sessions:​​

About JoJo:

A student of yoga, meditation and kirtan for over 20 years, JoJo Silverman, has deep passion for combining the power of these sacred tools with intentional ceremony, and strives to reinstate the value of ritual in the rhythm of our culture. 
More about JOJO 

Global Cacao Ceremonies with JoJo Silverman